Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Christmas chub!!! Get the wii-fit out!!!!

Its nearly the end of the year as you can see from the date entry.
This will be my second blog, the first blog was base on my experiment using the gym aperatus called the PowerPlate.
It turned out to be very sucsessful for the 3 months that I used it.
I have no intention of renewing my Gym member ship due a their lack of good customer service.

Anyway enough of that and on with the new test of this equipment.
There are very few reviews from professional trainers on how effective the wii-fit is.

Like my blog for the PowerPlate I am going to document my results and silence the critics who have no evidence once and for all.

The items I am using are the wii-fit plus and wii-mat.
Thats it.
I have been using it before but with the new wii-fit plus routines you can make for yourself it makes training a lot faster.

I have made a routine for a daily workout which last for about 21min.
Cardeo 3mins run.

Now this could be where the wii-fit may faulter... cardeo vascular workout.
Running on the spot is the only mega training for the wii-fit, of course you can run on the spot quite hard and fast to get the old heart beating fast but I do like to go on a running machine.

This is where I have to see what I want out of this training schedule.
Whe you are training this is the first thing that you ask though...

"what do you want from your training"

I want to lose body fat and have a general good looking body and level of fitness.

I believe the wii-fit can do this this for me, by watching waht you eat and doing at least 40mins a day I think there will be results.

My current waist size is about 36" or 38" so it will be interesting to see if I can get this to shrink.

This will be the daily routine:

Short run
21min routine
Short run

I think I will increase it though because when using the PowerPlate routine the whole thing lasted 45mins.

The idea is to train daily for 40mins and no more.
By keeping the training limited for 40mins it is more sustainable over time and because I am doing this from home I am expecting to do it nearly everyday. Only time will tell I guess.
The best exercise is the Press up and Side stand.