Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Que dice!!!!

Haha, I have gone back to eating to sandwiches and a small packet of mini chedders everyday and then on the night I am doing the normal joggingwith or without the wii-fit.
I have been able to do 10mins most mornings lately and because its nice and cold in the morning as well, it feels good.

On Sunday morning I had to jog to Gaz's to get the Lego body... I jogged all the way and did it in 9 minuets and I didnt even break into a sweat.. and it wasnt cold either.

This mean I am able to 10 or 15 mins jogging and not even get tired all I would be doing was eating into those calories.
I should really look at mapping out a curcuit and just stick to doing it.
I need to take it now to the next leval and it shows 7 months of jogging on the spot does help as well... and all I have to do is do 10mins worth of yoga and 10mins of muscle training a day on the evening.
Just talking about it now makes me want to go for a 8min jog again. brap brap.

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