Saturday, 2 January 2010

The training continues....

I have kept to the training everyday so far.
I have tweaked the routine and it last 21mins.
I make sure that I do running as well.
The Balance bridge is definatly the hard one to do!!!

My favorite is the Press up/Side atand and yoga postion the Palm tree pose.

Its early days yet but the jury is out on if this can help me get fit looking.
I had chocolate yesterday which is stupid I know.

The test will be if I can keep it up after work as well.

I will make sure to keep upper body going and legs as well.

Cardeo is going to be an issue... I need to start running somewhere if I am not using a running machine.

1 comment:

  1. I still have 4 months left of gym member ship as well so the power plate will be used for this item....
    I may even go tonight, that way I will get back into the cycle of training again.
    Be preparded though, the gym is going to be full to bursting!!!!!!
