Wednesday, 10 February 2010

BMI 30.07 No training this morning just a body test.

I refrained from getting up at 05:15 this morning and thought I would give my body a little extra break from wii-fit.
Will be on it tonight though, and every entry now in this blog in the title, I am going to put the BMI I body tested at this morning.
I have been abit concerned because the last2 weeks seemed to have slowed down... well it seems that way.
I am still losing though i am now BMI 30.07 this morning.
3lb every 2 weeks I have to loose, sounded easy at the start but now I think it may be a close one.
If I am going to do this as fast as the other time I need to lose 3lb per week.
this friday I need to see if I have lost enough to be on this track.
I am not over eating, not snacking, cut out all added sugar, training just as much (if not a little more)

3lb a week! Can I do that? It would be great because come the holiday I would be nearly two stone lighter. That would be 13stone or there abouts.
I am 15 stone at the moment.

I have the new wii weights as well. they weigh 1 kg each, brilliant for boxing and for running.

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